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Tying a Blood Knot With a Toothpick

Palomar Knot

One of the strongest, most durable and easiest knots to tie, recommended for almost any application, except extremely heavy leader lines.


  1. Double about six inces of line and pass it through the eye.

  2. Tie an overhand knot.

  3. Pass the hook, lure or swivel through the loop.

  4. Tighten the knot and trim the tag end. Make sure the two lines in eye are parallel. If they are crossed, cut the knot and re-tie.

Improved Clinch Knot

This is probably the most common of all fishing knots, perhaps owing to its simplicity. You can increase the strength by doubling the line when you tie this knot.


  1. Pull the line through the eye and double back, making five turns around the standing line.

  2. Holding the coils, pull the tag end through the loop closest to the eye, then back through the big loop you just created.

  3. Slide the knot tight and trim the tag end.


A strong, versatile knot which can also be tied to form an end-loop that tightens down to a conventional knot once you hook a fish.


  1. Run six inches of line through the eye and fold it back to make two parallel lines.

  2. Bring the tag end back toward the eye and make six spiral wraps around the two parallel lines.

  3. Snug the knot; to leave a loop, hold the knot at the point where you want it while you pull on the standing line.

  4. If you don't want a loop, slide the knot to eye. Trim the tag end.

Snelling A Hook

"Snelling" is essentially a Uni-Knot tied around a hook shank.  Where a hook has an offset eye, this knot allows for an efficient "straight pull" of the hook's point.


  1. Thread the line through the hook eye about six inches. Form a loop and hold it against the shank of the hook.

  2. Make five or six turns through the loop and around the hook shank.

  3. Close the knot and tighten by pulling the standing line in one direction and the hook in the other. Trim the tag end.

Nail Knot

Designed for splicing a monofilament leader to a fly line. As the name implies, a nail is needed to tie this knot, although a toothpick or straw can be substituted.


  1. Lay eight to 10 inches of leader and fly line overlapping and parallel to each other, with a six-penny nail in-between.

  2. Using the leader line, loop up to eight coils back around the fly line, the nail and the leader. Using the nail as a guide, run the leader line back under the coils.

  3. Hold the loosely-gathered knot with one hand as you withdraw the nail with the other hand.

  4. Pull on both ends of the leader line to tighten the knot. Trim the tag ends of the leader and the fly line.

Albright Knot

This is one of the most reliable means of joining two monofilament lines that are of dissimilar diameter.


  1. Create a loop in the heavier monofilament line. Pass about 10 inches of lighter line through the loop.

  2. Take12 tight wraps back around the heavier strands and the standing portion of the lighter line.

  3. Pass the tag end of the lighter line out through the loop on the opposite side of where it entered.nding part of the lighter line to begin tightening the knot.

  4. Hold the two heavy mono strands securely as you alternately pull on the tag end and standing part of the lighter line to begin tightening the knot.

  5. Seat the knot by pulling on the standing parts of both lines. Trim the tag ends.

Surgeon's End Loop

One of the simplest and quickest ways of creating double lines for splicing to heavy leader material or for tying directly to terminal tackle.


  1. Double the end of main line to form a, with the amount you double determining size of the loop. Tie an overhand knot.

  2. With the loop still open, bring the double line through again.

  3. Pull the standing line and loop in opposite directions to gather and tighten the knot. Trim the tag end.

  4. Once this knot is tied, create a dropper by snipping loop.

  5. Then, for drift fishing, use the shorter of the two strands for a weight, the other for a hook;

  6. vice versa for vertical presentations.

Surgeon's Knot

This easy-to-tie knot is popular for joining a heavy monofilament leader to a lighter monofilament main line.


  1. Lay six to eight inches of line and leader parallel and overlapping.

  2. Using the two lines, tie an overhand knot.

  3. Proceed to tie a second overhand knot.

  4. Pull both lines in opposing directions to gather and tighten the knot. Trim tag ends.

Spider Hitch

Though a bit more complicated than the Surgeon's End Loop, this is also an easy way to create a loop or double line.


  1. Double the end of the main line and bring the end of the double line around to form a small loop of double line, holding it between your thumb and index finger.

  2. Wrap the larger double line loop four to five times around thumb and small loop

  3. Pull remainder of larger loop through the smaller loop so wraps will unwind off of thumb.

  4. Hold the main line and tag end while you pull the double line to gather and tighten the knot. Trim the tag end.

Dropper Loop

This is a good knot for creating one or more loops in a leader (or main line) for attaching hooks, jigs or a sinker.


  1. Form a loop to the size you desire.

  2. Twist the loop around the main line eight times.

  3. Reach through the center of the twists and pull the loop through.

  4. Hold the loop with your teeth (be careful not to nick the line) while you pull on both ends of the main line to tighten the knot.

Bimini Twist

The strongest loop knot of all — but also the most difficult to tie — the Bimini Twist is used to create double line for pursuing strong saltwater fish with relatively light line.  These directions are for creating a double line of five feet or less.  Two people may be required for anything longer.  You will need to practice this knot a lot to get it right.


  1. Measure a loop slightly more than twice the footage you want for the double line. Holding the standing line and tag end together, twist the loop about 20 times.

  2. Sit down and put your legs into the loop and apply outward pressure. At the same time, pull out on the standing line and tag ends to force the twists tightly together.

  3. Maintaining leg pressure, hold the standing line in one hand with the tension slightly off vertical. With the other hand, move the tag end to a right angle from the twists and gradually ease tension. The tag line should begin to roll over the twists.

  4. Continue outward leg pressure on the loop. Steer the tag end into a tight downward spiral over the twists.

  5. Continue to maintain leg pressure once the tag end reaches the bottom of the twists. With the hand that has been holding the standing end, place index finger in crotch of line where loop joins knot to prevent slippage of last turn. Take a half-hitch with tag end around one strand of the loop and pull it tight.

  6. With the half-hitch holding the knot, you can release leg pressure, but keep the loop stretched out. With the remaining tag end, take a half-hitch around both strands of the loop, but do not pull tight.

  7. Take two more turns around both strands of the loop, winding inside the bend of the line formed by the loose half-hitch and toward the main knot. Put the tag end through the bend of the loose half-hitch created in step 6.

  8. Pull the tag end to gather and tighten the loops around the main knot. Trim the tag end.

Blood Knot

One of the best knots for splicing two monofilament lines of similar diameter — or for joining two dissimilar-diameter lines by doubling the lighter of the two.


  1. Overlap the two parallel lines by 12 inches total. Take five wraps on one side and pull the end back through between the two strands.

  2. Repeat on the other side, pulling the other end through the strands in the opposite direction.

  3. Pull the two tag ends slowly to gather the knot.

  4. Once gathered neatly, pull the standing line to tighten the knot. Trim the tag ends.

The Right Line. Every Time.™

Tying a Blood Knot With a Toothpick
