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Electrical Wiring Residential 19th Edition Chapter 1 Review

Electrical Wiring Residential, 20E

20th Edition
Ray C. Mullin, Phil Simmons

Updated to the 2020 NEC!

ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 20th Edition, provides comprehensive, authoritative coverage of the 2020 National Electrical Code� (NEC�)

Featuring the latest industry standards and procedures, longtime market leader ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 20th Edition, provides comprehensive, authoritative coverage of the 2020 National Electrical Code� (NEC�), as well as a thorough grounding in Electrical Knowledge and Applications.

Drawing on decades of industry and classroom experience, the authors guide you step-by-step through the critical tasks and responsibilities you can expect as a professional electrician in both new construction and existing homes.

Extremely reader friendly, the text offers detailed explanations without being overly technical, and content clearly relates the NEC to real-world installation processes used by today�s professionals.

A unique feature of ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL, 20E is the sets of plans in the back of the book that offers you opportunities for hands-on practice in interpreting and applying Code requirements, making this an ideal resource for those who will work in the residential electrical industry.

Vivid Illustrations coordinate with the latest NEC regulations to provide further clarity, and foldout plans at the back of the text provide hands-on practice applying code requirements to prepare you for career success.


  • Drawing on decades of professional and educational experience, the authors include practical, real-world examples throughout the text to help illustrate key calculations and reinforce important concepts.

  • The text features both metric and English measurements to appeal to students of all backgrounds and prepare them for professional practice in diverse settings.

  • Expansive coverage of safety in the workplace from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) encourages students to keep safety in mind at every step.

  • A Code Cross-Index makes it easy for students to reference specific content and code requirements, drawing useful connections among fundamental concepts, practical applications and current industry standards and requirements.

  • Reflecting current trends and technology in today�s industry, the authors devote an entire chapter to solar photovoltaic systems.

NEW in this Edition:
  • This textbook offers a unique, comprehensive approach to electrical education, with the first seven chapters focusing on essential concepts such as general requirements, safety, specifications, electrical symbols and outlets.
  • Later chapters cover progressively advanced topics, delivering comprehensive coverage of requirements for branch circuits, lighting and receptacle outlets; determining the correct conductor sizes, wiring methods and voltage drop; and identifying conductors, switch control of lighting equipment, grounding wiring devices and avoiding induction heating.
  • With a highly practical focus to prepare students for career success, the text covers how to read blueprints and lay out wiring for a dwelling, and foldout plans are included to provide hands-on practice applying code requirements.
  • The authors strongly emphasize workplace safety throughout the text, which includes thorough coverage of GFCIs, AFCIs, surge protection devices, immersion detection, leakage detection and key information and standards from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
  • After introducing students to luminaires, ballasts and lamps, the text provides detailed information on how to approach wiring for each room of a dwelling.
  • The text teaches students both recognized methods of calculating electrical load on feeders and services, as well as rules relevant to service installation and surge protection that are new or revised in the 2020 NEC�.
  • The text covers new or updated wiring requirements, including those for peninsular and island counterspaces in kitchens, which have changed significantly, and wiring for receptacle outlets in an attached or detached garage with electric power, which may now supply outside outlets in a limited way (per NEC 210.52(G)(1)).


1. General Information for Electrical Installations.

2. Specifications, Electrical Symbols and Outlets.

3. Determining the Required Number of Lighting Outlets, Receptacle Outlets, and Small-Appliance Branch Circuits.

4. Conductor Sizes and Types, Wiring Methods, Wire Connections, Voltage Drop, and Neutral Conductor Sizing for Services.

5. Conductor Identification, Switch Control of Lighting Circuits, Bonding/Grounding of Wiring Devices, Induction Heating.

6. Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters, Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters, Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors, Immersion Detection Circuit Interrupters, and Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters.

7. Luminaires Ballasts, and Lamps.

8. Lighting Branch Circuit for the Front Bedroom.

9. Lighting Branch Circuit for the Master Bedroom.

10. Lighting Branch Circuit�Bathrooms, Hallway.

11. Lighting Branch Circuit�Front Entry, Porch , Post Light, Underground Wiring

12. Lighting Branch Circuit and Small-Appliance Circuits for the Kitchen.

13. Lighting Branch Circuit for the Living Room.

14. Lighting BCranch Circuit for the Study/Bedroom.

15. Dryer Outlet, Lighting and Receptacle Circuits for the Laundry, Powder Room, Rear Entry Hall, and Attic.

16. Lighting Branch Circuit for the Garage and Outdoors

17. Recreation Room.

18. Lighting Branch Circuit, Receptacle Circuits for Workshop.

19. Special-Purpose Outlets�Water Pump, Water Heater.

20. Special-Purpose Outlets for Ranges, Counter-Mounted Cooking Unit, and Wall-Mounted Oven.

21. Special-Purpose Outlets�Food Waste Disposer, Dishwasher.

22. Special-Purpose Outlets for the Bathroom Ceiling Heat/Vent/Lights, the Attic Fan, and the Hydromassage Tub.

23. Special-Purpose Outlets�Electric Heating, Air Conditioning.

24. Gas and Oil Central Heating Systems.

25. Television, Telephone, and Low-Voltage Signal Systems.

26. Smoke, Heat, and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, and Security Systems.

27. Service-Entrance Equipment.

28. Overcurrent Protection�Fuses and Circuit Breakers.

29. Service-Entrance Calculations.

30. Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs, and Hydromassage Baths.

31. Wiring for the Future: Home Automation Systems.

32. Standby Power Systems.

33. Residential Utility Interactive Photovoltaic Systems.

Specifications for Electrical Work�Single-Family Dwelling.
Appendix A: Specification for Electrical Work�Single-Family Dwelling.
Appendix B: Schedule of Special Purpose Outlets
Appendix C: Useful Formulas
Appendix D: Metric System of Measurement
Appendix E: Standard Symbols
Appendix F: Single-Family Dwelling Service-Entrance Calculations (Standard)
Appendix G: AFCI/GFCI Check-Off List
Code Index
Subject Index

 Plans for Single-Family Dwelling.
Sheet 1 of 10 Foundation/Basement Plan.
Sheet 2 of 10 First Floor Plan.
Sheet 3 of 10 South Elevation & Window/Door Schedule.
Sheet 4 of 10 East Elevation & Interior Elevations.

Sheet 5 of 10 North Elevation & Plot Plan.
Sheet 6 of 10 West Elevation & Electrical Schedules.
Sheet 7 of 10 Cross-Section A-A.
Sheet 8 of 10 Basement Electrical Plan.
Sheet 9 of 10 First Floor Electrical Plan.
Sheet 10 of 10 Swimming Pool Wiring.
Blank Floor Plan: First Floor Electrical.
Blank Floor Plan: Basement Electrical.

Soft cover
848 Pages - 8-1/2 x 11 in.

About the Authors:

Ray C. Mullin: Former electrical instructor for the Wisconsin Schools of Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education. Former member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Currently a member of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, National Fire Protection Association, Electrical Section.

He has served on the NFPA Code Making Panel 4 of the National Electrical Code. Completed electrical apprenticeship training program. Worked as journeyman and supervisor for residential, commercial, and industrial installations. Taught electrical apprentice and journeyman course. Conducted numerous technical and Code seminars.

He has written many articles that have appeared in electrical trade publications and has done consulting to electrical equipment manufacturers on legal issues.

He has served on the Executive Board of the Western Section of the International Association of Electrical Inspectors and serves on the Electrical Commission in home town. He attended the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee School of Engineering, and Colorado State University.

Phil Simmons is self-employed at Simmons Electrical Services where he consults on the National Electrical Code� and other codes. Mr Simmons also writes, edits , and illustrates and produces technical publications, providing plan review of electrical construction documents as well as the inspection of complex electrical installations. He also develops training programs related to electrical codes and safety,

Mr. Simmons has been a presenter on these subjects at numerous seminars and conferences for Universities, the NFPA, IAEI, Department of Defense and private clients. He has also consulted on several lawsuits concerning electrical shocks, burn injuries and electrocutions. Mr. Simmons is the co-author and illustrator of ELECTRICAL WIRING RESIDENTIAL 17E, ELECTRICAL WIRING COMMERCIAL14E and ELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDING 3E, all published by Delmar Cengage Learning.

Mr. Simmons presently serves NFPA on Code Making Panel-5 of the National Electrical Code� Committee (grounding and bonding). He previously served on the NFPA Standards Council, NEC� Technical Correlating Committee International Association of Electrical Inspectors, Underwriters Laboratories and is a retired member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

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0357366476 / 9780357366479

1337101834 / 9781337101837

1285170954 / 9781285170954

Electrical Wiring Residential 19th Edition Chapter 1 Review
