Campbell Biology 9th Edition Chapter 21.4 Outlines
Campbell Biology is divided into eight units and 56 chapters. The organization and size of this book are appropriate and easy for first-year university students and help them to learn and digest the content. Campbell Biology is currently among the best biology books and it is listed with the best shelling textbooks. Campbell Biology is mainly for first-year university students, but it is also an important book for postgraduate medical examinations. Moreover, some high school students may use it as an essential reference book. In its current edition, the latest information in various fields has been added, such as the basal body, which was previously called the 9*3 type microtube arrangement but now has been renamed as the 9 + 0 type in Chapter 6. The updates in molecular biology are closer to the current situation, such as the addition of information on next-generation sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 in Chapter 20. This content can enable readers to acquire the latest knowledge. Reading this book and understanding the information presented in its pages is very helpful for the future life science professionals. Thus, Campbell Biology is very valuable textbook in the field of biology.
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Shen J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki (2020) 27:19
Campbell biology (edited byLisa Urry,
Michael Cain, Steven Wasserman, Peter
Minorsky andJane Reece)
Gangxu Shen1,2*
Campbell Biology is divided into eight units and 56 chapters. The organization and size of this book are appropriate
and easy for first-year university students and help them to learn and digest the content. Campbell Biology is currently
among the best biology books and it is listed with the best shelling textbooks. Campbell Biology is mainly for first-year
university students, but it is also an important book for postgraduate medical examinations. Moreover, some high
school students may use it as an essential reference book. In its current edition, the latest information in various fields
has been added, such as the basal body, which was previously called the 9*3 type microtube arrangement but now
has been renamed as the 9 + 0 type in Chapter 6. The updates in molecular biology are closer to the current situation,
such as the addition of information on next-generation sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 in Chapter 20. This content can
enable readers to acquire the latest knowledge. Reading this book and understanding the information presented in
its pages is very helpful for the future life science professionals. Thus, Campbell Biology is very valuable textbook in the
field of biology.
Keywords: Campbell biology, University students, Postgraduate medical examinations
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Book details
Campbell Biology, 11th Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Steven
Wasserman, Peter Minorsky, Jane Reece.
Pearson Education, 2017
ISBN13: 978-0-134-09341-3
Biology is a compulsory course in a university's biomed-
icine-related departments. Biology includes cytology,
energetics, genetics, molecular biology, botany, evolu-
tion, ecology, and taxonomy. Biology is necessary to pre-
pare for detailed study in various fields.
The readership ofCampbell Biology
Campbell Biology is mainly for first-year university stu-
dents, but it is also an important book for postgraduate
medical examinations. Moreover, some high school stu-
dents may use it as an essential reference book. Although
the content may be difficult for high school students, it
is suitable for first-year university students. However, the
content may be too basic for candidates appearing for
post-baccalaureate Chinese medicine and Western medi-
cine examinations. Because of the fierce competition in
these examinations, books with much more advanced
content are often preferred. Sometimes, the entrance
exam questions for the post-baccalaureate medicine
department are taken from more professional books,
such as those closely related to biochemistry, molecular
biology, genetics, or ecology.
Open Access
Journal of Biological
1 School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Shen J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki (2020) 27:19
What isnew inCampbell Biology
In this edition of Campbell Biology, the latest informa-
tion in various fields has been added, such as the basal
body, which was previously called the 9*3 type micro-
tube arrangement but now has been renamed as the
9 + 0 type in Chapter6 [1]. e updates in molecular
biology are closer to the current situation, such as the
addition of information on next-generation sequencing
and CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short pal-
indromic repeat)/Cas9 in Chapter20 [1]. is content
can enable readers to acquire the latest knowledge.
The organization ofCampbell Biology
Campbell Biology is divided into eight units and 56
chapters [1]. e organization and size of this book
are appropriate and easy for first-year university stu-
dents and help them to accept and learn the content.
Campbell Biology is currently among the best biology
books and it is listed with the best shelling textbooks.
Of course, some content lack depth compared with
more specialized books, but this is understandable
given its main target is first-year university students.
For more in-depth content, readers may refer to other
books, such as Gene 12th, Molecular Cell Biology (Lod-
ish et al.), Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 7th,
Immunobiology (Janeway etal.), Principles of Genetics
(Snustad and Simmons), Vander's Human Physiology
15th, Elements of Ecology (Smith and Smith), and Brock
Biology of Microorganisms 15th.
Suggestions onCampbell biology content
Unit 2 The cell
Chapter6, page 102: e fact that ribosomes are not
membrane bounded means that they cannot techni-
cally be considered organelles [1]; however, a number
of books, such as Starr Biology [ 2], describe ribosomes
as organelles. I therefore suggest that the book make
readers aware that even among experts, opinions differ.
Chapter7, page 138: e term secondary active trans-
port, which is commonly used in other textbooks on
physiology [3] and biochemistry [4] is referred to in
Campbell Biology as cotransport [1]. To prevent con-
fusion, I suggest using the common term, secondary
active transport.
Unit 3 Genetics
Chapter15, page 310: On a few genes, methylation has
been shown to activate the expression of the allele. One
example is the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf 2) gene,
on which the methylation of particular cytosines on
the paternal chromosome leads to the expression of the
paternal Igf 2 allele [1]. Note however that in Gene 12th
[5 ], the description is quite different: "e ICR is meth-
ylated on the paternal allele, where Igf 2 is active. e
ICR is unmethylated on the maternal allele, where Igf 2
is inactive." I suggest that readers be informed that meth-
ylation occurs on the ICR, rather than on Igf 2. is will
help to avoid confusion when they read the descriptions
in other texts, such as Brooker Biology: "Igf 2 is methyl-
ated on the maternal allele, where Igf 2 is inactive" [6].
Chapter20, pages 429–430: Embryonic stem cells (ES
cells) are pluripotent, which means that they are capable
of differentiating into many different cell types [1]. Note
however, that Figure20.20 ascribes to ES cells the ability
to generate "all embryonic cell types" [1]. I recommended
modifying the text as "many different cell types" to ensure
consistency between the main text and figure caption.
Unit 5 The evolutionary history ofbiological diversity
Chapter27, pages 578: e process of bacterial conjuga-
tion by which DNA is transferred has yet to be fully eluci-
dated. In fact, recent evidence suggests that DNA passes
directly through the hollow pilus. In Principles of genetics
[7 ], it is clearly stated that F pili are involved in establish-
ing cell contact, rather than the transfer of DNA. I there-
fore recommended that Campbell Biology make it clear
that the sex pilus is involved only in cell contact and not
in the transmission of DNA.
Unit 6 Plant form andfunction
Chapter35, page 778: e ABC model of flower forma-
tion involves formation of the four types of floral organs
[1 ]. e functions of MADS-box gene have been exten-
sively studied in Arabidopsis thaliana, where ABCDE
genes specify the fate of floral organs by the combina-
torial ABCDE model [8 , 9 ]. In this model, A, B and C
proteins interact with E proteins [10]: A and E produces
sepals; A, B and E produces petals; B, C and E produces
stamens; C and E produces carpels [10–13]. erefore, I
suggest that Campbell biology should change the content
of ABC model to ABCDE model.
Unit 7 Animal form andfunction
Chapter46, page 1032: Animal embryo development pro-
cess is zygote, cleavage, and blastocyst [1]. But before the
formation of blastocyst, there is a period called Morula
[3 , 14, 15]. is period of Morula should not be omitted.
Why should read this book
e fact that Campbell Biology outlines the foundations
of life science makes it a must-read for all life science pro-
fessionals. If you ever expect to apply for a post-bacca-
laureate position as in a medical department, Campbell
Biology should be on your list of essential reading.
Page 3 of 3
Shen J of Biol Res-Thessaloniki (2020) 27:19
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CRISPR: Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat.; Igf 2:
Insulin-like growth factor 2; ES cells: Embryonic stem cells.
I especially thank Springer Nature for sponsoring article-processing charge. I
also thank all the authors of Campbell biology and Pearson Education.
Authors' contributions
GS performed all the research and drafted the manuscript. The author read
and approved the final manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
Campbell biology.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The author declares no conflict of interest.
Author details
1 School of Chinese Medicine for Post-Baccalaureate, I-Shou University, Kaohsi-
ung, Taiwan. 2 National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
Received: 15 September 2020 Accepted: 28 November 2020
1. Urry L, Cain M, Wasserman S, Minorsky P, Reece J. Campbell biology. 11th
ed. New York: Pearson; 2017.
2. Starr C, Taggart R, Evers C, Starr L. Biology: the unity and diversity of life.
14th ed. Canada: Nelson Education; 2014.
3. Widmaier EP, Raff H, Strang KT, Shoepe TC. Vander's human physiology:
the mechanisms of body function. 15th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Edu-
cation; 2019.
4. Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Jr Gatto GJ, Stryer L. Biochemistry. 8th ed. New
York: W. H Freeman and Company; 2015.
5. Krebs JE, Goldstein ES, Kilpatrick ST. Lewin's genes XII. Burlington: Jones &
Bartlett Learning; 2018.
6. Brooker RJ, Widmaier EP, Graham LE, Stiling PD. Biology. 5th ed. New York:
McGraw-Hill Education; 2020.
7. Snustad DP, Simmons MJ. Principles of genetics. 7th ed. Hoboken: John
Wiley & Sons Inc; 2015.
8. Murai K. Homeotic genes and the ABCDE model for floral organ forma-
tion in wheat. Plants. 2013;2:379–95.
9. Dreni L, Zhang D. Flower development: the evolutionary history
and functions of the AGL6 subfamily MADS-box genes. J Exp Bot.
10. Wellmer F, Graciet E, Riechmann JL. Specification of floral organs in Arabi-
dopsis. J Exp Bot. 2014;65:1–9.
11. Kim S, Koh J, Yoo M-J, Kong H, Hu Y, Ma H, et al. Expression of floral MADS-
box genes in basal angiosperms: Implications for the evolution of floral
regulators. Plant J. 2005;43:724–44.
12. Li H, Liang W, Yin C, Zhu L, Zhang D. Genetic interaction of OsMADS3,
DROOPING LEAF, and OsMADS13 in specifying rice floral organ identities
and meristem determinacy. Plant Physiol. 2011;156:263–74.
13. O'Maoiléidigh DS, Graciet E, Wellmer F. Gene networks controlling Arabi-
dopsis thaliana flower development. New Phytol. 2014;201:16–30.
14. Bruce MC. Human embryology and developmental biology. 5th ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2013.
15. Sadler TW. Langman's medical embryology. 13th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters
Kluwer; 2014.
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Floral organ formation has been the subject of intensive study for over 20 years, particularly in the model dicot species Arabidopsis thaliana. These studies have led to the establishment of a general model for the development of floral organs in higher plants, the so-called ABCDE model, in which floral whorl-specific combinations of class A, B, C, D, or E genes specify floral organ identity. In Arabidopsis, class A, B, C, D, E genes encode MADS-box transcription factors except for the class A gene APETALA2. Mutation of these genes induces floral organ homeosis. In this review, I focus on the roles of these homeotic genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), particularly with respect to the ABCDE model. Pistillody, the homeotic transformation of stamens into pistil-like structures, occurs in cytoplasmic substitution (alloplasmic) wheat lines that have the cytoplasm of the related wild species Aegilops crassa. This phenomenon is a valuable tool for analysis of the wheat ABCDE model. Using an alloplasmic line, the wheat ortholog of DROOPING LEAF (TaDL), a member of the YABBY gene family, has been shown to regulate pistil specification. Here, I describe the current understanding of the ABCDE model for floral organ formation in wheat.
Grass plants develop unique floral patterns that determine grain production. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the specification of floral organ identities and meristem determinacy, including the interaction among floral homeotic genes, remains largely unknown in grasses. Here, we report the interactions of rice (Oryza sativa) floral homeotic genes, OsMADS3 (a C-class gene), OsMADS13 (a D-class gene), and DROOPING LEAF (DL), in specifying floral organ identities and floral meristem determinacy. The interaction among these genes was revealed through the analysis of double mutants. osmads13-3 osmads3-4 displayed a loss of floral meristem determinacy and generated abundant carpelloid structures containing severe defective ovules in the flower center, which were not detectable in the single mutant. In addition, in situ hybridization and yeast two-hybrid analyses revealed that OsMADS13 and OsMADS3 did not regulate each other's transcription or interact at the protein level. This indicates that OsMADS3 plays a synergistic role with OsMADS13 in both ovule development and floral meristem termination. Strikingly, osmads3-4 dl-sup6 displayed a severe loss of floral meristem determinacy and produced supernumerary whorls of lodicule-like organs at the forth whorl, suggesting that OsMADS3 and DL synergistically terminate the floral meristem. Furthermore, the defects of osmads13-3 dl-sup6 flowers appeared identical to those of dl-sup6, and the OsMADS13 expression was undetectable in dl-sup6 flowers. These observations suggest that DL and OsMADS13 may function in the same pathway specifying the identity of carpel/ovule and floral meristem. Collectively, we propose a model to illustrate the role of OsMADS3, DL, and OsMADS13 in the specification of flower organ identity and meristem determinacy in rice.
The ABC model of floral organ identity is based on studies of Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum, both of which are highly derived eudicots. Most of the genes required for the ABC functions in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum are members of the MADS-box gene family, and their orthologs are present in all major angiosperm lineages. Although the eudicots comprise 75% of all angiosperms, most of the diversity in arrangement and number of floral parts is actually found among basal angiosperm lineages, for which little is known about the genes that control floral development. To investigate the conservation and divergence of expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms relative to eudicot model systems, we isolated several floral MADS-box genes and examined their expression patterns in representative species, including Amborella (Amborellaceae), Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) and Illicium (Austrobaileyales), the successive sister groups to all other extant angiosperms, plus Magnolia and Asimina, members of the large magnoliid clade. Our results from multiple methods (relative-quantitative RT-PCR, real-time PCR and RNA in situ hybridization) revealed that expression patterns of floral MADS-box genes in basal angiosperms are broader than those of their counterparts in eudicots and monocots. In particular, (i) AP1 homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and leaves, (ii) AP3/PI homologs are generally expressed in all floral organs and (iii) AG homologs are expressed in stamens and carpels of most basal angiosperms, in agreement with the expectations of the ABC model; however, an AG homolog is also expressed in the tepals of Illicium. The broader range of strong expression of AP3/PI homologs is inferred to be the ancestral pattern for all angiosperms and is also consistent with the gradual morphological intergradations often observed between adjacent floral organs in basal angiosperms.
- Ludovico Dreni
- Dabing Zhang
AGL6 is an ancient subfamily of MADS-box genes found in both gymnosperms and angiosperms. Its functions remained elusive despite the fact that the MADS-box genes and the ABC model have been studied for >20 years. Nevertheless, recent discoveries in petunia, rice, and maize support its involvement in the 'E' function of floral development, very similar to the closely related AGL2 (SEPALLATA) subfamily which has been well characterized. The known functions of AGL6 span from ancient conserved roles to new functions acquired in specific plant families. The AGL6 genes are involved in floral meristem regulation, in floral organs, and ovule (integument) and seed development, and have possible roles in both male and female germline and gametophyte development. In grasses, they are also important for the development of the first whorl of the flower, whereas in Arabidopsis they may play additional roles before floral meristem formation. This review covers these recent insights and some other aspects that are not yet fully elucidated, which deserve more studies in the future.
Floral organs are specified by the activities of a small group of transcriptional regulators, the floral organ identity factors. Extensive genetic and molecular analyses have shown that these proteins act as master regulators of flower development, and function not only in organ identity determination but also during organ morphogenesis. Although it is now well established that these transcription factors act in higher order protein complexes in the regulation of transcription, the gene expression programmes controlled by them have remained largely elusive. Only recently, detailed insights into their functions have been obtained through the combination of a wide range of experimental methods, including transcriptomic and proteomic approaches. Here, we review the progress that has been made in the characterization of the floral organ identity factors from the main model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and we discuss what is known about the processes acting downstream of these regulators. We further outline open questions, which we believe need to be addressed to obtain a more complete view of the molecular processes that govern floral organ development and specification.
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. References SUMMARY: The formation of flowers is one of the main models for studying the regulatory mechanisms that underlie plant development and evolution. Over the past three decades, extensive genetic and molecular analyses have led to the identification of a large number of key floral regulators and to detailed insights into how they control flower morphogenesis. In recent years, genome-wide approaches have been applied to obtaining a global view of the gene regulatory networks underlying flower formation. Furthermore, mathematical models have been developed that can simulate certain aspects of this process and drive further experimentation. Here, we review some of the main findings made in the field of Arabidopsis thaliana flower development, with an emphasis on recent advances. In particular, we discuss the activities of the floral organ identity factors, which are pivotal for the specification of the different types of floral organs, and explore the experimental avenues that may elucidate the molecular mechanisms and gene expression programs through which these master regulators of flower development act.
- Carlson BM
Developmental biology - the study of the pre- and postnatal development of plants and animals - and human embryology have converged in a way that now allows a deeper understanding of not only the structural features of human embryonic development, but also the molecular mechanisms underlying the normal and abnormal development of tissues and organs. This section focuses on the development of human embryos, with emphasis on the mechanisms underlying the development of the tissues and organs of the human body.
Campbell Biology 9th Edition Chapter 21.4 Outlines