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How to Clear a Stuffy Nose Fast and Easy

7 Natural Remedies for Congestion Relief

A stuffy nose and clogged sinuses are no fun. Try these natural congestion remedies and start breathing better now.

congested woman drinking tea

Staying well-hydrated can help ease nasal congestion by thinning mucus and helping it drain.

Being stuffed up can make you feel miserable. It can interfere with breathing, cause headaches, and keep you awake at night.

While many people blame their discomfort on excess mucus, nasal congestion is actually caused by inflamed (swollen) blood vessels in the sinuses, says Scott P. Stringer, MD, a professor and chairman of the department of otolaryngology and communicative sciences at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.

When an irritant (like an allergen or virus) stimulates the nose, blood flow increases into the large network of vessels that line the nasal cavity. "This causes the nasal passages to swell, making it more difficult to breathe," Dr. Stringer explains. Nasal swelling can also interfere with drainage and trap mucus, further blocking airflow.

Congestion can be caused by a cold, the flu, allergies, pollution, even just dry air.  A stuffy nose can also be a symptom of COVID-19, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So if you think you may have COVID-19, be sure to get tested and isolate from others while waiting for the results.

The good news is that whatever the cause of your congestion, there are a number of simple things you can do at home to feel better fast — without even making a trip to the drugstore. And, unlike some over-the-counter decongestants, these natural cures won't cause any side effects like sleepiness or jitteriness.

Read on for seven self-care strategies that can help you start breathing easier right away. One word of caution: If your stuffiness that lasts longer than a week without improvement, gets worse after improving, and/or is accompanied by fever, severe headache, or facial pain, check in with your doctor, says Stringer. You may have a bacterial infection that requires an antibiotic.

RELATED: Is It a Cold, the Flu, or COVID-19?


Add Moisture to the Air

humidifier steam

Running a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer in your home or office is a simple and effective way to reduce nasal congestion, says Stringer. Breathing in humid air helps soothe irritated nasal tissues, lessens sinus inflammation, and thins mucus (which helps it drain), he explains.

Warm-mist and cool-mist machines are equally effective for raising the humidity level and easing congestion. For safety, however, always use cool-mist vaporizers for children, notes the Mayo Clinic. Hot water or steam from a warm-mist humidifier can burn a child if they get too close or if the machine gets knocked over and water spills out.

Whatever type of unit you choose, be sure to change the water daily and clean the unit according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

RELATED: 6 Natural Remedies for Pain and Pressure From Sinus Infections

woman holding neti pot

Rinsing out your nasal passages using a device like a neti pot (a technique called nasal irrigation) can help loosen thick mucus and remove irritants, allergens, and germs, Stringer notes.

According to the Food and Drug Administratino (FDA), a neti pot is safe to use as long as you fill it with sterile or distilled water. Never use tap water unless you've boiled and cooled it.

Neti pots come with specific directions, but most work in a similar way:

  • Fill the pot with a saline solution (made with warm, sterile water and salt).
  • Lean over a sink and tilt your head sideways with your forehead and chin level (to avoid liquid flowing into your mouth).
  • While breathing through your mouth, insert the spout of the neti pot into your upper nostril so that the liquid drains through the lower nostril.
  • Repeat on the other side.

A nasal spray bottle, which delivers a fine mist of saline into the nose, can also help soothe dry nasal passages, but, according to the FDA, isn't as effective as an irrigation device like a neti pot for rinsing out mucus, allergens, and germs.

RELATED: Rock the Neti Pot: 6 Smart Nasal Irrigation Tips to Promote Sinus Health and Minimize Sinus Infections

hot shower

Ever notice that when you have a cold, taking a shower can make you feel like a new person? The reason is that inhaling steam reduces sinus pain and pressure by helping mucus drain, the Mayo Clinic says. This can help your breathing return to normal, at least for a little while.

You can also get the steamy shower effect by breathing in steam from hot water in a sink. Simply run hot water in the bathroom sink, place a towel over your head, and put your head over the sink, being careful not to get too close and risk burning your skin. It's safe to do this several times a day.

RELATED: 7 Home Remedies to Stop a Bad Cough


Try a Natural Decongestant

ginger citrus tea

Can cold-busting vitamin C also help ease congestion? "Vitamin C has been demonstrated in some studies to shorten the duration of a cold and decrease the severity of symptoms — but it doesn't directly affect congestion," says Stringer.

However, if you're battling congestion related to a cold, popping some extra vitamin C may help you get over your symptoms and feel better a little bit faster.

As for stuffiness due to allergies, you may want to reach for ginger.

A study published in the April 2020 issue of BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies found that a daily 500-milligram (mg) dose of ginger extract was just as effective as loratadine (an antihistamine like Claritin) for congestion due to nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis). Ginger appears to have both anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, the researchers write.

While more studies are needed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ginger extract, you may want to try a daily cup of ginger tea to help ease allergy-related stuffiness.

RELATED: 8 Teas to Drink for a Healthier Body and Mind

woman holding a warm compress

If you have a headache or sinus pain as a result of congestion, try placing a warm compress directly over your nose and forehead. This can help relieve nasal inflammation and pressure and ease your discomfort, according to the Mayo Clinic.

You can purchase a hot compress product that can be heated in the microwave or you can simply soak a wash cloth or dish towel with warm water, squeeze out the excess, then fold it and place it over your nose, cheeks, and forehead. Try doing this for 20 minutes and repeat as often as needed.

RELATED: Cold and Flu Remedies: Which One Is Best for You?


Step Up Your Fluid Intake

room temperature water

While it won't provide instant relief, drinking plenty of (nonalcoholic) fluids and staying hydrated will help to thin mucus in the nasal passages, making it easier for congested sinuses to drain, the Mayo Clinic says.

Though many people swear by sipping hot tea for relieving congestion, it likely doesn't matter if the beverages you reach for are hot or cold.

In a past study published in the journal Rhinology, researchers split up a group of people with cold and flu symptoms, giving half of them a hot drink and the other half a room-temperature drink and found no measurable differences in nasal airflow.

Interestingly, the group that drank the hot beverage reported greater subjective relief from cold symptoms compared with the other group. The researchers say this could be due to the heat of the drink, which can enhance the flavor and the experience of consuming a beverage, which can make you feel better.


Revamp Your Nighttime Routine

woman sleeping on many pillows

As anyone with stuffy sinuses can attest, congestion often feels worse at night. One key reason: When you lie flat, gravity causes mucus to pool or back up instead of drain.

To combat the problem, put an extra pillow or two under your head, so gravity can work for, rather than against, you. To thin mucus and encourage it to drain, run a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier at the side of your bed.

You may also want to try wearing a nasal breathing strip, which lifts the sides of the nose and may help open nasal passages and ease breathing during the night.

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